We tell the story of Hoani who was experiencing an Auditory Processing Disorder which was seriously affecting his learning and self confidence. With the help of the Developmental Learning Centre, Auditory Retraining Therapy gave him a new lease of life.
Why Choose the Developmental Learning Centre?
A Holistic Approach
A Wealth of Experience
Our therapists have decades of teaching and clinical experience and are educated to post graduate level to ensure your child is getting the best support. Meet our experienced team.
A Real Support Network
Our team are aware of the challenges families face and offer on-going support and encouragement every step of the way. Hear how we support our families.
A Warm Environment
Our centres are warm and nurturing environments that put children at ease so they can make the most of their therapy. Discover our locations.
A Lasting Solution
Our therapies are proven to work for children with learning and behavioural difficulties, helping them achieve success in learning and in life. Discover how we have made a difference in the lives of children and families throughout New Zealand.