Developmental Movement Therapy (Extra Lesson TM)
This is an internationally recognised therapeutic programme which involves your child working one to one with one of our Extra Lesson™ trained Therapists. This approach is combined with the latest in neuro-physiological research to provide an individualised movement therapy programme designed to remove the obstacles which are impeding your child's learning.
Developmental movement on the floor is the key component of the early phase of this programme. Initially exercises which repeat the early childhood movement patterns are given. These give your child a second chance to develop the pathways in the brain needed for easeful learning in the way nature intended. These movements must be repeated for at least 6 weeks each to be effective. They are a specific series of movements which take 30 weeks to complete, and are essential to the maturation of your child’s neurological system. A wide range of other exercises are also given which make each session varied and interesting. We work one on one with your child, closely observing your child’s responses to each exercise. Any obstructions to free movement will be noted and referrals may be made to other professionals as needed.
What kinds of exercises will my child be doing?
Exercises may include performing movements such as creeping like a lizard, crawling like a tiger, rolling like a log or leaping like a frog. Beanbag exercises for midline crossing, hand awareness, eye- hand coordination and spatial and body awareness will also be given, with songs and rhymes for the younger children to make them fun. These language activities also enable the movements to become automatic as well as improving rhythmical integration of speech and movement.
In sessions your child will also do a wide range of other movement activities to improve body awareness and spatial orientation, according to need. These may include activities such as carrying marbles with their toes, winding wool, Swiss ball activities, rope jumping and working on a balance beam.

Is there additional exercises to complete outside of the Centre?
Yes. The home exercise programme is an essential key to successfully removing the underlying obstacles to your child’s learning capacity. Parents are asked to supervise a daily 15 minute exercise programme at home which is reviewed at each weekly session. It is through the repetition of movements that the brain is able to mature, barriers are removed and the pathways needed for easeful learning are established. The success of the programme depends to a large degree upon the commitment of the parents and child to this home exercise programme. If the home exercise programme is done daily, 7 days per week, the entire programme will be completed more quickly. Less frequent home exercise practice will result in a longer programme overall.
Does your child have learning or behavioural difficulties?
Call 0800 543 399 or Request a free call back from one of our experienced team to understand how your child could benefit from our natural and holistic therapies.